Service group: Well-being and Communality

Vantaan opistotalo turns green again


In May, it is time for our Kukoista ja Kasvata - Flourish and Grow Event.

Start-up courses at Vantaa Adult Education Centre

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Start-up courses are free Finnish language courses for immigrants and refugees who live in Vantaa.

Courses at Adult Education Centre

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At the Vantaa Adult Education Centre, you will learn useful skills or discover new hobbies. We are a adult education centre funded by the City of Vantaa. We arrange approx. 2000 courses around Vantaa every year.

Knowhow and involvement – children and the young to participate in making more sustainable food culture opens in new window, links to another website


The goal of the project is to increase eating percentages while simultaneously diminishing Meal Services’ carbon footprint, as well as to teach children and the young the principles of sustainable lifestyles.